
Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Dying Sun


Watched NGeo this morning about documentary on our soon-to-die Sun
The Sun has provide lives on earth with energy.
What will be the end of this wonderful creation of Allah?

Scientists predicted that stars with size same as the Sun will eventually become a white dwarf. And, as that happens, that just means Armageddon!

Betapa pentingnya matahri kepada kita. Antara sedar atau tak.
Tanpa matahari, tumbuhan x dapat menjalankan fotosintesis,
dan pelbagai proses dalam dunia x dapat berlaku.
Hidupan xkan wujud di bumi..
Betapa hebatnya matahari, maka, hebat lagi Penciptanya...
So, lepas ni, tika anda menikmati sinaran matahari pagi,
ucapkanlah Alhamdulillah, kerana Allah mengurniakan nikmat x terhingga ini..

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